Everybody who had anyway been related to the domain of education – no matter if school or university – will hardly not have heared about terms like 'creation of profiles' or the 'elite'.
When terms are used so inflationary, they also find their place in different contexts, and so it has been in the context of moneyslavery where the term 'elite' can be found very frequently in those days.
Elite does normally define a group of people who are above average – in what ever manner. So it may appear obvious that a lady sees herself as above average, as standing above slaves – and that she defines herself as elite. When this issue is regarded more precisely, this is often (unfortunately) absurd, because if some self-appointed lady is regarded, it is often even hard to see average in that person. It may be a big wish of many submissive men to see a general 'women over men', but nevertheless this theory doesn't have to be anyway realistic. The praxis does show – and many people will surely agree here – that I respect many slaves much more than many of those self-appointed ladies.
The consequence of this is that it may only make sense to call certain ladies of that scene elite. If this includes every lady who is authentic and who is somehow above average, then there is not much to say against this at first. But it causes problems anyway, soon will be the question which aspects should be important for this classification in categories. It is fact that all that ladies are individual in their way of life – and exactly this uniqueness is leading towards the fact that one lady will be adored and worshipped by one person – but the same lady may be quite uninteresting for another one. Maybe thoughts are different at this point of view, but at least one question should be allowed: Is it in any way possible to make a classification in categories for those individually great ladies – and: is this really necessary? The first question can be discussed for sure, but I believe that there is no need to discuss about this just because the second question has a clear answer – it is not necessary at all. A lady who is really gorgeous will have no need to let her classify in any category – which is somehow always a kind of pigeonhole someone. In her way of life she is great, she is gorgeous, above average. She is in fact superior, and knowing this will give her no need to be compared to anybody else because it will not be important for her how superior she is compared to anyone else.
By the way, similar arguments have led to the fact that I already did not like the term 'elite' by the time while I was studying. Elite was determined to grades – and my experiences have shown me that on the one side grades above average do not form an above average person and on the other side that a perhaps really above average person shows no need to be called so or even to be titled as elite.
A friendly lady who surely is very far above average once said that there were many people who are afraid to contact her because of this fact. I can only say that I was not afraid at all to do – also because of my experiences with people who are above average. She was talking with me, surely she liked to do, otherwise she surely would not have done this. Should now somebody call me an 'elite slave'? For sure it is not necessary to be above average to find an answer for that question.